Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Luckily for Me...I Knew to Modify

I discovered Pinterest a little while ago and have been addicted ever since.  What I enjoy the most are all the different recipes.  I have tried several of them and been very pleased with the ease of making them and also the final product.  However, there was 1 recipe that I tried that I did not agree with the amount of ingredients.  If I did not know how to cook and this was the first time that I tried the recipe, the end result would not have been good.  I found this recipe for 7UP Biscuits on Pinterest from http://www.plainchicken.com/2010/04/7up-biscuits.html (pictures as well).  Mine were not worth sharing...LOL.

This was one recipe that I could not wait to try.  At the time, Easter was quickly approaching and I wanted to use these in the cook off that we were having for Easter.  One of my cousins, who has been in the Food Industry for years, challenged me to a cook off.  Since I love to cook, I was very happy and couldn't wait.  I had so many recipes in my head that I wanted to try, namely these biscuits.  So I went grocery shopping, made sure that I had all the ingredients and on Easter Sunday, I went to work!!!

It was simple enough, right?

  • 2 Cups of Bisquick
  • 1/2 Cup of Sour Cream
  • 1/2 Cup of 7UP
  • 1/4 Cup of Melted Butter

Pour the melted butter in the bottom of the pan and mix the other 3 ingredients.

WRONG!!!!! What the recipe doesn't tell you is the following:
  • You will definitely need more than 2 cups of Bisquick to add in 1/4 cup increments until the dough is not too sticky to handle.
  • If you want fluffy, thick biscuits, DO NOT roll your dough to thin.  Roll it to the thickness that would allow you to cut out 9 biscuits only.  If you can cut out more than 9, then your dough is too thin.  If you cannot cut out 9, then your dough is too thick.
  • You will need extra Bisquick to shake onto your rolling pin and to put on the counter so that the dough doesn't stick to the counter.

I'm sure you're curious to know how my biscuits turned out...right?  Well they were very delicious and definitely a show stopper, BUT... they were a little flat.  I made two batches of the above recipe and rolled the dough thin enough to get 12 biscuits per batch.  Despite this faux pas of having flat biscuits....EVERYONE loved them.  In regards to the cook off...I lost (only winning the meat category).  I had some other issues not related to screwed up recipes.  I'll save that for another post.  This is how they should look!!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why Food??? Why Not?

I know you're probably thinking "Does the world really need another Food Blog?".  The answer: Yes!...Because this blog is not like the other ones.  Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with never ending posts of recipes.  Because we all know that you can just search Google for that.  What I plan to do is take recipes that I've tried and show you how I changed them.  Some recipes are just written poorly and if followed correctly will NOT get you the desired outcome.  Other recipes are just too time consuming and need a little bit of tweaking.  In either case, I think it's more interesting to get the real scoop on what really works and what does not.  This is definitely more fun that just copying and pasting a recipe, right????

Just to give you some more background on me....I've always had this desire to cook.  It's like I was born with cooking already engrained in my brain of "Things I Love".  My mother tells me stories of when I was younger and while I was not tall enough to see over the counter, I always wanted to help her cook.  She said that she would let me stand on a chair and peel the potatoes and sweet potatoes.  See, I come from a family with Grandmother's that could really, really cook.  My maternal grandmother is still living but does not cook like she used to due to her age and illnesses.  However, everybody knows that my Grandmother could "Throw Down" in the kitchen.  I have so much admiration and respect for my Grandmother because of her skill in the kitchen.  In the near future, I plan to sit down with her and put some of her recipes on paper.  No matter the number of academic degrees I obtain, I feel that being a great cook is at the top of my list of accomplishments.  Being able to reach people through food is very important to me.  I strive to have the kind of impact during my lifetime that my Grandmother has on me.  She is truly something special.