Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why Food??? Why Not?

I know you're probably thinking "Does the world really need another Food Blog?".  The answer: Yes!...Because this blog is not like the other ones.  Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with never ending posts of recipes.  Because we all know that you can just search Google for that.  What I plan to do is take recipes that I've tried and show you how I changed them.  Some recipes are just written poorly and if followed correctly will NOT get you the desired outcome.  Other recipes are just too time consuming and need a little bit of tweaking.  In either case, I think it's more interesting to get the real scoop on what really works and what does not.  This is definitely more fun that just copying and pasting a recipe, right????

Just to give you some more background on me....I've always had this desire to cook.  It's like I was born with cooking already engrained in my brain of "Things I Love".  My mother tells me stories of when I was younger and while I was not tall enough to see over the counter, I always wanted to help her cook.  She said that she would let me stand on a chair and peel the potatoes and sweet potatoes.  See, I come from a family with Grandmother's that could really, really cook.  My maternal grandmother is still living but does not cook like she used to due to her age and illnesses.  However, everybody knows that my Grandmother could "Throw Down" in the kitchen.  I have so much admiration and respect for my Grandmother because of her skill in the kitchen.  In the near future, I plan to sit down with her and put some of her recipes on paper.  No matter the number of academic degrees I obtain, I feel that being a great cook is at the top of my list of accomplishments.  Being able to reach people through food is very important to me.  I strive to have the kind of impact during my lifetime that my Grandmother has on me.  She is truly something special. 


  1. I'm excited to see the recipes you tweak ... i've had to do that myself as well ... sometimes the recipes are just wrong ... besides ... tweaking the ingredients can lead to a whole better tasting product

  2. Love the idea and I'm looking forward to seeing the recipes. I too love to cook and I too had a grandmother that was famous for her cooking. My G'ma was born in 1910 so her DELICIOUS apple pie recipe equates to "some apples, a little bit of sugar, some butter..." The ones that really know how to cook, don't give solid amounts lol. I'm curious to see yours!

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  4. Tracey,

    Those biscuits look delicious. I am going to make them for one of my dinners. I hope you share some main dishes recipes too.

  5. @cklomasney - please free to share any recipes that you have tweeked. I would love to try them.

    @kaye - your grandmother was doing the real cooking. I love that my grandmother has influenced me in this way.

    @brenda - let me know how the biscuits turn out when you try them.
